On a daily basis, I’m being reminded of the fact that our life is so influenced by things outside of ourselves. We see this everyday as we are knocked off centre by negative occurrences around us or pulled in to a higher vibration by those positive influences by our side. When we look up at the stars or witness the power of waves or a storm around us, it is impossible to think that we are only influenced by the energy we see directly in front of us. Quickly we are reminded of how great and powerful this universe is and that we are one with it. The moon shifts and flows from the New Moon to the Full Moon and back again while the seasons move from one to another. Most of us having our most favourite and our least favourite time of the year and if we are really paying attention, a time in the month. It is impossible to have one season without the other and so it is important for us to find joy and balance in all of what we experience.
The Spring or Vernal Equinox which occurs on March 20, 2015 at 6:45 p.m. EDT marking the moment we start the season of Spring. In this moment we find the yin and yang (feminine and masculine) energies to be at their closest point creating an intersection of energies. This is the halfway point as we move towards the Solstice (the summer) where these energies are at direct polar opposite. The word Equinox (derived from Latin) means equal time of day and night and although this is not the same everywhere in the world, we are certainly noticing that the days are getting longer while the nights are getting shorter.
Any time there are significant shifts in energies in the world, we can anticipate an impact in energy shifts amongst all life here on Earth. When we connect more deeply with these energies and these shifts with consciousness and awareness we can use the power of the energy outside of ourselves to help create the life we truly desire.
The New Moon is a time of beginning, a great opportunity to start something new or shift into a direction you would like to go. On March 20 at 5:36 a.m. EDT we celebrate the New Moon.
In honouring of the New Moon and the Spring Solstice this year, it is my pleasure to offer a group meditation on Thursday March 19 where we will create an atmosphere to be quiet with ourselves, aware of our thinking, alter our thoughts if they are not in alignment with our hearts desires and focus on the energy with in through the power of our breath.
Join me on March 19th in Uptown Waterloo. Cost is $30 per person HST is included. Space is limited to 10 people. Please email me at lindsay@livingalldimensions.com to register and hold your space.
Looking forward to sitting with you, creating the life we each want,
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