The journey between where we are and where we want to go…

We know that where we are, this space we’re in isn’t working for us.  We know we are stuck and need to get out of this rut or this way of thinking.  We may even be conscious enough to know that these thoughts are delusional, completely out of touch with reality, stories we are spinning around in our head, yet we just don’t know how to stop.  I hear this story time and time again.  And if it resonates with you, keep reading.  This is the story of our human experience as we search to re – member ourselves as love, light, source energy, one with all.   I started to think about this struggle from a physical journey perspective.  What if we knew we wanted to go live in another country like Africa but we were currently in Canada?  What would most of us do?  Think about it for a moment.  If we were remotely interested in pursuing it, we would gather information, extensive information. We would dream about it, even imagine that we are there.  We would look for guidance to help us when we are there.  We would gather information about what it’s like when we’re there.  And in starting this process, we would find ourselves incredibly frustrated that we are not there yet and we are still here. And that is where we start to waffle.  We lose site of the dream, it becomes too difficult, too far away, and our perception is that it is completely impossible.  So, we let it go, settle back in to where we are.  And the dream is forgotten, until we are triggered yet again by our experience of life to re – member and find our way to our soul’s longing.

Life goes on and we witness others on their journey, life flowing with ease, living with open hearts and a fearless journey and we are reminded that this too is our hearts desire…so we start out again.  We gather more information.  We look for teachers, someone to tell us how to walk that path but the reality is that there are no teachers that can teach you how to walk your path.  It is yours and yours alone, to learn and to navigate.  Think about a small child learning how to walk, the child does not enlist a teacher.  The child observes that this is one way of maneuvering around in the world and he gets tired of being the only one in his circle of life not moving as quickly or efficiently so he finds himself frustrated and decides not to crawl or sit or lie around any longer. He musters up the courage to stand up and take a few steps.  If the rewards are great, he keeps going, eventually forgetting that not walking was ever a part of his history.  Transforming our belief systems, living a life focused on our spiritual journey rather than our physical journey or living from our heart rather than our head can be just as challenging and just as rewarding.

The reality is that the journey we all are on right now is part of a movement, a shift in to a new paradigm of living, a time in the worlds creation that has not yet been explored.  We are truly entering into a time where no man has gone before.  The people that are here on this earth right now chose to be here during this time, a time of confusion, letting go of the old and paving the way into a new and different future.  It takes courage, it requires consciousness, it requires our hearts to be in the lead rather than our head. It requires commitment to the journey.  It involves taking a leap of faith in hopes of what is possible and saying no to what no longer serves us in a way that supports the evolution of our being and ultimately the earth.  We need to stop bad behaviours, break toxic patterns, replace disabling habits with life supporting ways of being.  We are letting go of the past, rewriting history in hopes of creating a new future, and a more peaceful, loving earth. This is terrifying and exciting simultaneously.  It takes strength and courage as well as honouring our vulnerability.

We cannot let go of something that we do not know.  Just because we have lived a particular way does not mean that we know it.  We need to make connection with our current circumstance, whether it be the country we live in, the relationship we are currently in, the job that supports us, the family that we birthed in to, the religion we were born in to.  All of this creates our current circumstance and we cannot leave what we do not know or understand.

If we look at the spiritual journey as a crossing over of worlds, our current world and the world in which we all imagine, living in peace and love, with our hearts open.  We can’t actually leave a world without having taken all the gifts and found our purpose and our reason for being there.  Many of us do try and pack up without doing the work of creating consciousness as to why we are where we are.  Some of us identify that we don’t like where we are, so we pack up and run.  We do this in relationships, in jobs, in homes, in cultures, in religion.  We just say, “I know it’s not for me, I’m out of here”.  That may be a truth, but more often than not, we find a dissatisfaction in where we end up and a longing to go back to where we came from, even if we don’t go back, we do a lot of looking back on what we had and comparing, and criticizing to reinforce our current position.  I see this frequently in relationships.  A couple will divorce, both running from the opportunities of learning rather than staying in it long enough to take the lessons and the gifts and leave in a place of gratitude.  It is more common than not, for couples to reconnect post separation, in intimate conversation and even sexual connection…knowing that there is a piece unfinished and not knowing how to turn their back and walk away.  Sometimes the intimate connection is one of anger…a powerful emotion that keeps us connected to the person but with no effective means of gathering the gifts it offers.  If we are in a place we don’t like, instead of running from it, we must immerse ourselves in it.  This is where we do our research, our exploration, our digging around to find out exactly where we are, what brought us here, how we are in alignment with where we are and what we need to learn from in this space.  It is only when we become so intimately connected with where we are that we can make a decision to move on from it.  It becomes a conscious decision seeing both sides of what that place brought to our lives.  We can see the struggles and the gifts, the blessings and the heart ache.  We see it all and through this clear vision we are able to truly let go.  When we let go of the past, we can then create a new future.  This does not happen overnight.  We have to recognize that we are 100% where we are.  We are not in between, or undecided.  We are where we are. If we look at life as there are always two places to be: here or there, it makes no difference where exactly we are, but knowing which side we’re on makes all the difference because it tells us where we need to focus our energy, our attention, do our work.  We like to trick ourselves in to thinking we are somewhere where we are not. Let go of the illusion, and see it for what it is.  You are where you are…if you are wishing for something that isn’t, know you are not there and stop focusing on all the things you think you’ve been doing to get there and identify what more you need to do in the space you currently find yourself.  You are where you are because you are not ready to be anywhere else!  Where you are still holds purpose for you…find it, take the gift of it, meet it in a place of gratitude and then getting ready to move on.  If I want to go to Africa, and I spend time planning and researching and dreaming and maybe even getting to the airport, it is important that I realize that I am not already in Africa.  I want to go to Africa. I am taking steps to get to Africa. I am preparing for the journey, by doing the work connected to what I am leaving, (not distracting myself with research about what I think I am going in to). But make no mistake, I am still in the place that I have always been.

We step in to the other world only when we are truly ready, when we’re ready to stop wearing the clothing and keeping the belief system of the world of which we know so well.  We never go somewhere that we have no idea of where we are going.  We always have a glimpse.  We’ve heard something or felt something that has inspired us to pursue that.  We have a glimpse of this new world, new way of living on earth as peaceful, loving, spirit driven, authentic, truthful…a world much easier, much more abundant, much more playful than the one we currently live in.  This is so appealing to so many of us.  We are tired of the chaos, the personas, the ego, the pressure, the overwhelming need to know and create outside of ourselves…living in our heads vs. our hearts.  We are tired of having our brain in the driver’s seat of our life, when the heart, which has so much more power and energy has been forced to sit in the passenger seat.  We want to start driving our life differently but we don’t know how to get our old self out of the driver’s seat and let the other aspect of our self take over.  To even think about turning over that power and that control is overwhelming for most of us. The truth is that only when the thought of staying in that illusion of power and control is more overwhelming will we do anything any different.  So, in the interim, we dabble.  We dabble until we find the courage to make the leap, discard the old with gratitude and awareness and take the plunge in to living life differently. I often hear people say that they want to do it now, they want to speed up the process.  We can’t jump in to the new, the unknown until we have taken complete advantage of where we are now.

This spiritual journey that we are on is quite similar except that I do believe we are all going in to the unknown together to be the co creators of consciousness in a new world.  Some of us have a bigger glimpse or an idea of what it looks like but none of it is as known and as familiar to us as our history is.  So, if you are someone who is tied to the knowing, to making sure you’ve done the research, the preparation so that you can get there…how will you ever get there when none of that is available?  You will have to wait until others have paved the path so it will safe for you to travel.  My question is: why would you have chosen to be here on earth at this particular time, if your soul did not intend for you to do your part, in paving the path, finding the courage and jumping out of that old pair of shoes in to the new that is waiting for you?  And, if that’s not enough, is it possible that the only way to live in the new world is with courage, faith, trust, intuitive knowing and so the very exercise of finding your OWN way there is the main criteria for living there?

Posted in Connecting with SELF

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