The Impact of Six Consecutive Summer Solstices
It is Solstice time again! How many times have I written about the Solstice? The absolute moment of greatest expansion between yin and yang energies and how much I love this time of year. This year is different. It feels different for me and it’s difficult to put my finger on it. This will be […]
Happy Solstice and Celebrating the Potential of Life Created by the Expansion of Light
My favourite day of the year arrives at 4:34 p.m. Mountain Time. We call it Summer Solstice and today we celebrate with the beautiful Strawberry Full Moon blessing this day! I’ve written about the shift that happens in these energies many times. Today I want to focus my attention on the shift between all energies […]
Why Marry? A commitment of the heart with Vows and Promises
The decision to get married is an important one. Other than deciding to have a child, it’s probably the most life altering important decision we make in life. Marriage is not necessary for everyone but for David and I, it felt like a necessary next step. We could have continued living life as a married […]
Happy Equinox!
Happy Equinox! What an exciting time of year! The equinox marks the time in the year where everything is most equal or closely in balance. The yin and yang energies are at a point of intersection in the spring and again in the fall. Yesterday or today, you may have noticed an equal amount of […]
It’s time to start Meditation again!
It has been quite a year…as well as being on an intensive healing journey I have been fortunate to spend a week in Toronto with Deepak Chopra at the Seduction of Spirit conference, fine tuning and enhancing both my meditation and yoga practices. I can’t wait to share some new learnings with you from that experience! I’m pleased […]
Summer Solstice and taking action in the light
Happy Summer Solstice! Today, in the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the greatest space between light and dark, yin and yang, and the Heavens and the Earth. For the last 6 months, since the Winter Solstice, yang energy has been rising. Yang is often thought of as masculine energy and with masculine energy there is a […]
Wonderful Darkness…Celebrating Winter Solstice
My favourite day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere…Winter Solstice! I feel more connected to the winter solstice than even the Summer Solstice. Perhaps I resonate in a different way with what is happening this time of year. Solstice marks the beginning of the season. In winter it is the moment where we experience […]