Exhaling 2017 with a whole lot of gratitude and Inhaling 2018
As I reflect on this last year, I am filled with gratitude for the people in my life. My world looks completely differently than it did a few years ago. My family has grown and expanded. I have no more dependent children. My business is being done remotely or in a shared work space when […]
New Year Meditation and Winter New Moon Schedule
It’s the start of the new year and many of us focus on making some changes, creating more time for ourselves, cleaning up the clutter and the like. All of these things are so important for us in taking control of our life. However, many of us start out the new year well intentioned and […]
The car shopping vortex and enjoying the ride of life!
As someone who struggles to attach to physical possessions in any meaningful way, you can imagine my angst when it’s time to go car shopping. It’s not the top of my priority list and although I try to get excited about the thought of a new car, it just doesn’t resonate through me. I’m not […]
Life in a Washing Machine
I recently spent a glorious week living on a 60 foot catamaran diving night and day as we sailed through the Exumas. It was my own rendition of Survivor, 9 people coming together as strangers, add in a crew of four from all over the world, all sharing close quarters, becoming more intimate as the […]
Meditations for October 2012
Monday Oct. 15 and Monday Oct. 29, 2012 Continuing a practice of connecting to your SELF! Both of these dates are in alignment with the new moon and full moon in October. This is an intense time in life with lots of energetic shifts happening. It is an important time to release and transform what […]